Sunday, September 7, 2008

Something's Gotta Give

ERICA: Look, Harry, here's the problem. I really like you.

HARRY:I really like you.

ERICA:Yeah, but I "love you" like you.I do. I love you.

HARRY: (1)I think maybe you should consider that you're in love with the idea of being in love.

(2) I think that we should consider...maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves.

ERICA: Do you?


ERICA: Okay. Oh, God...I'm like the dumb girl who doesn't get it. I've never been the dumb girlbefore. It ain't so great.

HARRY:Let's just calm down. This was justa a meal with a friend.

ERICA:Did you know I called you sevenhours ago?

HARRY:I was gonna call you. I've been jammingall day, it's my first day back.

ERICA:Uh-huh. . .

HARRY:I had these plans before I met you. But Ido like seeing you. I do. I'm alwayssurprised by it.

ERICA:What was I thinking?

HARRY:Maybe you weren't thinking for once andlook what a good time we had. Let's notruin something great.

ERICA:Harry, I won't be good at this.

HARRY:At what?

ERICA:Acting like I don't care.

HARRY:I have never lied to you. I have alwaystold you some version of the truth.

ERICA:The truth doesn't have versions.

HARRY:Can you cut me a little slack? Mylife's been turned upside down.

ERICA:Yeah. Mine too.

HARRY:Then let's each get our bearings.

ERICA:I don't want my bearings. I've had mybearings my whole fucking life. I feltsomething with you that... Oh, you don'twant to-

HARRY:Yes I do.Tell me.

ERICA:I felt something with you, I didn't knowreally existed. You know what that's likeafter a twenty year marriage? To feelsomething for another person that's sooff the charts, that -

Okay, not your problem. This is whyI'm not good in relationships. Youknow writers are like teachers,those who can - do, those who can't- write romantic comedies whereTHIS does not happen in the thirdact...and it certainly does nothappen to a 55 year old woman. In the play I'll be 36 so it won't beas pathetic. I'm just too old to feel crushed.I've written thisfeeling but I never really got it.

You know what this is?

This is heart broken. How's that for impervious?
HARRY:You're killin' me.
ERICA:I just wish it had lasted more than aweek.
HARRY:Me too.

ERICA:That's a horrible thing to say.

HARRY:The life I had before I met you. I knew how to do that, could do that forever. Now look at me...what do I do with all this?

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